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<HTML id=dlgAbout STYLE="width: 25.9em; height: 22em"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <head> <TITLE> About Internet Explorer </TITLE> <style> .versionformat { color: black; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute; left: 0em; top: 0em; height: 2em; width:25em; z-index: 20; } .textformat { color: black; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size:8pt; position: absolute; left: 10.2em; top: 19.3em; //19.5em; height: 3em; width:26.5em; } .logo { color: LIGHTGREY; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size:40pt; position: absolute; left: 1.9em; top: 4.5em; height: 0.5em; width:1em; z-index: -1; } .button{ position: absolute; top: 28em; width: 7em; height: 2.2em; color: black; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size:8pt; cursor: hand; z-index: 100; } </style> </head> <body id=bodyid onload="OnPageLoad()" onfilterchange="bodyOnFilterChange()" onkeydown="bodyOnKeyDown()" bgcolor="white" scroll=no leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 rightmargin=0 bottommargin=0 style="border:none"> <!--Graphics --> <div id="allPic" STYLE="width:25em;position: absolute; top: 0px;left:0px;font-family: MS Sans Serif;font-size: 8pt; z-index: 13;"> </div> <img src="ie256.gif" id="ID_IE" CLASS="Movable" style="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:0; height:0; visibility:hidden; z-index: 10;" FinalHeight=44, FinalWidth=39, FinalX=353, FinalY=0> <img src="world256.gif" id="ID_World" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:0; height:0; visibility:hidden; z-index: 3;" FinalHeight=86, FinalWidth=86, FinalX=12, FinalY=56 nOrigLeft=86, nOrigTop=86> <img src=ietxt256.bmp id="ID_IEText" style="position:absolute; left:104; top:61; width:269; height:109; visibility:hidden; z-index:100" SuperClass="Flingable" xDelta="0" yDelta="0" reqDirX=1 reqDirY=0 nScore=2> <img src=lines256.bmp id=lines style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;visibility:hidden"> <div id="versionDetails" class=versionformat style="color: white; left: 10.2em; top: 16.2em"> Version <SPAN id=spaVersion ></SPAN><br> <span id=minorversion></SPAN> </div> <div id="userInfo" class=textformat style="visibility:hidden;z-index: 10;line-height: 140%"> <SPAN id=spaText>Product ID: <SPAN id=pID></SPAN></SPAN> <BR><A href="" id=copyrightLink onclick="copyrightclick()" > Copyright Information</A><!-- onmouseover="copyrightmouseover()" onmouseout="copyrightmouseout()" --> </div> <DIV id="copyrightDetails" class=textformat style="visibility:hidden"> Based on NCSA Mosaic. NCSA Mosaic(TM); was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Distributed under a licensing agreement with Spyglass, Inc. </DIV> <!-- <div id="copyrightLogo" class=logo style="visibility:hidden;z-index: 9">©©©</DIV> --> <DIV id="copyrightDetails2" class=textformat style="visibility:hidden"> <P>Contains security software licensed from<BR>RSA Data Security Inc.</P> <p style="position: relative; top: -0.5em">Portions of this software are based in part<BR>on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.</P> </DIV> <DIV id="copyrightDetails3" class=textformat style="visibility:hidden"> <p>Contains SOCKS client software licensed from<BR>Hummingbird Communications Ltd</P> <p style="position: relative; top: -0.5em">Contains ASN.1 software licensed from<BR>Open Systems Solutions, Inc.</P> </DIV> <DIV id="copyrightDetails4" class=textformat style="visibility:hidden"> <p>Multimedia software components, including Indeo(R); video, Indeo(R) audio, and Web Design Effects are provided by Intel Corp</P> </DIV> <DIV id=warning class=textformat style="visibility:hidden"> Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. </div> <div id=gettingStarted class=textformat style="visibility:hidden;line-height:175%"><a href="res://ie4tour.dll/tour.htm#MinimalTour=1" onclick="gettingStartedClick()">Take a Quick Tour</A> <div id=techSupport style="visibility:hidden"><a href="http://www.microsoft.com/iesupport/">Technical Support</a></div> <DIV id=copyrightMicrosoft style="visibility:hidden"><a href="http://www.microsoft.com/" id="copyright">Copyright ©1995-97 Microsoft Corp.</a><span id="rightsReserved"><BR>All rights reserved.</span></DIV> </DIV> <BUTTON id="backButton" class=button accessKey="B" onClick="backButtononclick()" style="left: 31.5em; visibility: hidden">< <U>B</U>ack</BUTTON> <!-- onmouseover="buttonOnMouseOver()" onmouseout="buttonOnMouseOut()" --> <BUTTON id="nextButton" class=button accessKey="N" onClick="nextButtononclick()" style="left: 31.5em; visibility: hidden"><U>N</U>ext ></BUTTON> <!-- onmouseover="buttonOnMouseOver()" onmouseout="buttonOnMouseOut()" --> <BUTTON id="okButton" class=button onClick="window.close();" style="left: 29.5em; visibility: hidden">OK</BUTTON> <!-- onmouseover="buttonOnMouseOver()" onmouseout="buttonOnMouseOut()" --> <BUTTON id="ID_Lock" class=button onClick="UnLock(ID_Lock);" style="left:104; top:61; visibility: hidden; z-index:1">Unlock</BUTTON> <SCRIPT language=javascript> window.onerror = HandleError; var isMMInstalled=0; //Disable MM because of DirectD flicker bug on S3 cards var beforeLinksDivCount=5; var totaldivCount=8; var noReEntry=0; var curDiv=0; var fade=0; var backwards=0; divNames = new Object(); divNames[0]="userInfo"; divNames[1]="copyrightDetails"; divNames[2]="copyrightDetails2"; divNames[3]="copyrightDetails3"; divNames[4]="copyrightDetails4"; divNames[5]="warning"; divNames[6]="gettingStarted"; divNames[7]="techSupport"; divNames[8]="copyrightMicrosoft"; var g_nFinalGrowth = 12; var g_nCurrGrowth = 0; var g_nDragOffsetX=0; var g_nDragOffsetY=0; var g_fInDrag=0; var g_nStep=0; var g_nMaxStepHistory=4; var g_szPrevElement=""; var g_cFlungObjects=0; var g_nScore=0; var g_nScoreNeeded=3; // 1 for text + 1 for button FlingingItems = new Object(); CursorHistoryX = new Object(); CursorHistoryY = new Object(); var g_nWobbleAmount = 4; //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: Turns off error messages in dialogs // // Arguments: none // // returns: true (tells browser not to handle message) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- function HandleError(message, url, line) { var L_Dialog_ErrorMessage = "An error has occured in this dialog."; var L_ErrorNumber_Text = "Error: "; var str = L_Dialog_ErrorMessage + "\n\n" + L_ErrorNumber_Text + line + "\n" + message; alert (str); window.close(); return true; } //function called by body.onload. Starts initial animation function OnPageLoad() { var L_UpdateVersions_Text = "Update versions: "; if(window.screen.colorDepth<8) { document.all["ID_IE"].src="ie.gif"; document.all["ID_World"].src="world.bmp"; document.all["lines"].src="lines.bmp"; document.all["ID_IEText"].src="ietext.bmp"; } else document.body.bgColor="#F8F8F8"; if(isMMInstalled==1) { for(i=0;i<=beforeLinksDivCount;i++) { document.all[divNames[i]].style.filter="blendTrans(duration=0.5)"; document.all[divNames[i]].onfilterchange="onfilterchangeHandler()"; } for(i=beforeLinksDivCount+1;i<=totaldivCount;i++) { document.all[divNames[i]].style.filter="blendTrans(duration=0.5)"; document.all[divNames[i]].onfilterchange="onfilterchangeHandlerLinks()"; } document.all.copyrightLogo.style.filter="blendTrans(duration=0.5)"; } if ((null != window.dialogArguments)) { arrArgs = window.dialogArguments.split("~"); spaVersion.innerText = arrArgs[0]; pID.innerText=arrArgs[4]; } //Check for QFEs var mv=window.navigator.appMinorVersion; if(mv!="") minorversion.innerText=L_UpdateVersions_Text + mv; spaText.innerText = spaText.innerText; backButton.style.posLeft=okButton.style.posLeft-15.3; nextButton.style.posLeft=okButton.style.posLeft-7.6; allPic.style.pixelLeft=userInfo.offsetLeft-103; allPic.style.pixelTop=(versionDetails.offsetTop-170)/2; //start initial animation document.all["ID_World"].style.visibility=""; document.all["ID_IE"].style.visibility=""; // Create final x/y for World and Logo. document.all["ID_IE"].FinalX=allPic.style.posLeft+350; document.all["ID_IE"].FinalY=allPic.style.posTop+0; document.all["ID_World"].FinalX=allPic.style.posLeft+10; document.all["ID_World"].FinalY=allPic.style.posTop+50; document.all["ID_World"].nOrigLeft=document.all["ID_World"].FinalX; document.all["ID_World"].nOrigTop=document.all["ID_World"].FinalY; // Move World and Logo onto screen. window.setTimeout("DoGrow();",100); } //this function grows the earth and IE logos from the upper left corner function DoGrow() { g_nCurrGrowth += 1; ID_World.style.posHeight = Math.round(parseInt(ID_World.FinalHeight) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); ID_World.style.posWidth = Math.round(parseInt(ID_World.FinalWidth) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); ID_World.style.posLeft = Math.round(parseInt(ID_World.FinalX) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); ID_World.style.posTop = Math.round(parseInt(ID_World.FinalY) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); document.all.ID_IE.style.posHeight = Math.round(parseInt(document.all.ID_IE.FinalHeight) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); document.all.ID_IE.style.posWidth = Math.round(parseInt(document.all.ID_IE.FinalWidth) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); document.all.ID_IE.style.posLeft = Math.round(parseInt(document.all.ID_IE.FinalX) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); document.all.ID_IE.style.posTop = Math.round(parseInt(document.all.ID_IE.FinalY) * (g_nCurrGrowth/g_nFinalGrowth)); if(g_nCurrGrowth < g_nFinalGrowth) { window.setTimeout("DoGrow()",1); } else { window.setTimeout("DoPics()",200); } } //When done growing, display the other parts of the IE splash screen function DoPics() { ID_IEText.style.posTop=allPic.offsetTop+60; ID_IEText.style.posLeft=allPic.offsetLeft+98; ID_IEText.style.visibility=""; ID_Lock.style.posTop=ID_IEText.style.posTop+30; ID_Lock.style.posLeft=ID_IEText.style.posLeft+100; ID_Lock.style.visibility=""; lines.style.posLeft=allPic.style.posLeft+43; lines.style.posTop=allPic.style.posTop+17; lines.style.visibility=""; window.setTimeout("startVersion()",500); } //Start version number sliding in from bottom function startVersion() { versionDetails.style.posTop=28; versionDetails.style.color="black"; DoVersion(); } function DoVersion() { if (versionDetails.style.posTop>16.2) versionDetails.style.posTop=versionDetails.style.posTop-1; if (versionDetails.style.posTop<=16.2) { versionDetails.style.posTop=16.2; okButton.style.visibility=""; okButton.focus(); window.setTimeout("DoShow()",100); showDiv=-2; } else window.setTimeout("DoVersion()",1); } //General function for showing the different paragraphs of text //If MM is used, performs a fade-in transition function DoShow() { if(isMMInstalled==1) document.all[divNames[curDiv]].filters[0].Apply(); document.all[divNames[curDiv]].style.visibility="visible"; if(isMMInstalled==1) document.all[divNames[curDiv]].filters[0].Play(); //Next two lines call the filterchanged events manually //when MM is not enabled else if(curDiv<=beforeLinksDivCount) onfilterchangeHandler(); else onfilterchangeHandlerLinks(); } //General function for hiding the different paragraphs //IF MM is used, performs a fade-out transition function DoFade() { var divNum=DoFade.arguments[0]; fade=1; if(isMMInstalled==1) document.all[divNames[divNum]].filters[0].Apply(); document.all[divNames[divNum]].style.visibility="hidden"; if(isMMInstalled==1) document.all[divNames[divNum]].filters[0].Play(); //Next two lines call the filterchanged events manually //when MM is not enabled else if(curDiv<=beforeLinksDivCount) onfilterchangeHandler(); else { if(backwards==0) curDiv=curDiv-1; onfilterchangeHandlerLinks(); } } //Logo behind copyright info needs separate fade routine //function DoLogoFade() { //Fade logo characters //if(isMMInstalled==1) document.all.copyrightLogo.filters[0].Apply(); //document.all.copyrightLogo.style.visibility="hidden"; //if(isMMInstalled==1) document.all.copyrightLogo.filters[0].Play(); //} //When copyright link is clicked, show first paragraph of copyright info function copyrightclick(){ window.event.returnValue=0; if (noReEntry!=1) { backButton.style.visibility=""; nextButton.style.visibility=""; backButton.disabled=0; curDiv=1; noReEntry=1; DoFade(0); // DoLogoFade(); } } //Show logo underneath copyright link when hover over //function copyrightmouseover(){ //copyrightLogo.style.visibility="visible"; //} //Hide logo again when mouse leaves copyright link //function copyrightmouseout(){ //copyrightLogo.style.visibility="hidden"; //} //Go back one paragraph. Check to see if at beginning function backButtononclick(){ if (noReEntry==0) { curDiv=curDiv-1; if(curDiv<0) curDiv=0; else { noReEntry=1; backwards=1; //Fade old div out DoFade(curDiv+1); } } setButtonColor(); } //Go forward one paragraph function nextButtononclick(){ if (noReEntry==0) { curDiv=curDiv+1; if(curDiv>beforeLinksDivCount+1) curDiv=beforeLinksDivCount+1; else { noReEntry=1; //Fade old div out DoFade(curDiv-1); } } setButtonColor(); } //Check to see if one of the buttons should be disabled //if at the beginning or end of the paragraphs function setButtonColor() { if((curDiv==beforeLinksDivCount+1)&&(backwards==0)) { nextButton.style.color=""; nextButton.disabled=1; } else { nextButton.disabled=0; if(curDiv==0) { backButton.style.color=""; backButton.disabled=1; } else backButton.disabled=0; } } //Respond to ESC key function bodyOnKeyDown() { if (window.event.keyCode==27) window.close(); } //General function for turning the buttons text blue when mouseover function buttonOnMouseOver(){ var srcElement=window.event.srcElement; if (((srcElement.id!="backButton")|| (backButton.disabled==0))&&((srcElement.id!="nextButton")||(nextButton.disabled==0))) window.event.srcElement.style.color="blue"; } //General function for restoring the buttons text when mouse out function buttonOnMouseOut(){ var srcElement=window.event.srcElement; if (((srcElement.id!="backButton")|| (backButton.disabled==0))&&((srcElement.id!="nextButton")||(nextButton.disabled==0))) window.event.srcElement.style.color=""; } //launch IE tour in new window function gettingStartedClick() { var foo="gettingstarted"; window.open("res://ie4tour.dll/tour.htm#MinimalTour=1",foo,""); window.event.returnValue=false; return false; } //Event is called when a transition is complete //Used to go from fade of one paragraph to show of the next //This event is called manually when MM is not enabled function onfilterchangeHandler() { if(fade==1) window.setTimeout("DoShow()",100); else noReEntry=0; backwards=0; fade=0; } //Separate event for the links, since they act differently //This is also called manually when MM is not enabled function onfilterchangeHandlerLinks() { if(backwards!=1) { //going forwards if(curDiv<totaldivCount) { curDiv=curDiv+1; window.setTimeout("DoShow()",100); } else noReEntry=0; } else { //going backwards if(curDiv>beforeLinksDivCount) { //still have links to fade curDiv=curDiv-1; window.setTimeout("DoFade(" +parseInt(curDiv+1) +")",100); } else { //show div the comes before the links curDiv=beforeLinksDivCount; window.setTimeout("DoShow()",100); } } fade=0; } // BUGBUG: This is a hack to work around MSHTML crashing on document.onselectstart events // being canceled (false being returned). var g_fWasMouseDown; function MyOnMouseDown() { g_fWasMouseDown = window.event.button; } document.onmousedown = MyOnMouseDown; function CancelEvent() { if (2 == g_fWasMouseDown) { return true; // Trident crashes when Right-Click events are canceled. } return false; // Cancel event. } // Disable text and object selecting. document.onselectstart = CancelEvent; document.ondragstart = CancelEvent; function OpenEEGG() { // Do the navigation window.open("wcee.htm", "TheWCEE", "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=414,height=352"); window.close(); return false; } function GetIndex(nStep, nDelta) { nReturn = nStep + nDelta; if (nReturn < 0) nReturn += g_nMaxStepHistory; if (g_nMaxStepHistory <= nReturn) nReturn -= g_nMaxStepHistory; return nReturn; } function StartFlinging() { nStop = 1; for (j in FlingingItems) { obj = FlingingItems[j]; if(obj.xDelta != 0) obj.style.pixelLeft += obj.xDelta; if(obj.yDelta != 0) obj.style.pixelTop += obj.yDelta; if ((obj.style.pixelLeft > -1000) && (obj.style.pixelLeft < 2000) && (obj.style.pixelTop > -1000) && (obj.style.pixelTop < 2000)) nStop = 0; } // Stop looping when object is fully off the screen. if (0 == nStop) { window.setTimeout("StartFlinging()", 10); } } function TrackStep(x, y, e, bkey) { CursorHistoryX[g_nStep] = x; CursorHistoryY[g_nStep] = y; // Did we just bounce into a flingable object? if ((e.SuperClass != g_szPrevElement) && (e.SuperClass == "Flingable")) { fValidFling = 1; // Yes, so see if we can fling it. if (0 == e.reqDirX) { nIndex = 0; // It's necessary that all x movement remain within object width. while ((nIndex < (g_nMaxStepHistory - 1)) && (1 == fValidFling)) { nPrevX = CursorHistoryX[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex)]; if ((nPrevX < e.style.pixelLeft) || (nPrevX > e.style.pixelLeft + e.style.pixelWidth)) { fValidFling = 0; } nIndex++; } } else { nIndex = 0; // It's necessary that all x movement stay constantly left or right. while ((nIndex < (g_nMaxStepHistory - 1)) && (1 == fValidFling)) { if (0 < e.reqDirX) { if (CursorHistoryX[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex)] < CursorHistoryX[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex - 1)]) { fValidFling = 0; } } else { if (CursorHistoryX[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex)] > CursorHistoryX[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex - 1)]) { fValidFling = 0; } } nIndex++; } } if (1 == fValidFling) { if (0 == e.reqDirY) { nIndex = 0; // It's necessary that all y movement remain within object height. while ((nIndex < (g_nMaxStepHistory - 1)) && (1 == fValidFling)) { nPrevY = CursorHistoryY[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex)]; if ((nPrevY < e.style.pixelTop) || (nPrevY > e.style.pixelTop + e.style.pixelHeight)) { fValidFling = 0; } nIndex++; } } else { nIndex = 0; // It's necessary that all y movement stay constantly up or down. while ((nIndex < (g_nMaxStepHistory - 1)) && (1 == fValidFling)) { if (0 < e.reqDirY) { if (CursorHistoryY[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex)] < CursorHistoryY[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex - 1)]) { fValidFling = 0; } } else { if (CursorHistoryY[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex)] > CursorHistoryY[GetIndex(g_nStep, -nIndex - 1)]) { fValidFling = 0; } } nIndex++; } } } if ((1 == fValidFling) && bkey) { nXDelta = CursorHistoryX[g_nStep] - CursorHistoryX[GetIndex(g_nStep, -g_nMaxStepHistory + 1)]; nYDelta = CursorHistoryY[g_nStep] - CursorHistoryY[GetIndex(g_nStep, -g_nMaxStepHistory + 1)]; if (0 != e.reqDirX) e.xDelta = Math.round(nXDelta / 2); else e.xDelta = 0; if (0 != e.reqDirY) e.yDelta = Math.round(nYDelta / 2); else e.yDelta = 0; FlingingItems[FlingingItems.length] = e; g_cFlungObjects++; g_nScore += (g_cFlungObjects * e.nScore); StartFlinging(); } } // Increment g_szPrevElement = e.SuperClass; g_nStep = GetIndex(g_nStep, 1); } function StartWorldGrow() { if (ID_World.style.pixelWidth > 800) { OpenEEGG(); } else { ID_World.style.pixelWidth += 100; ID_World.style.pixelHeight += 100; ID_World.style.pixelLeft -= 30; ID_World.style.pixelTop -= 30; window.setTimeout("StartWorldGrow()", 10); } } function UpdateMouse(x, y, shift, button) { var e; e = event.srcElement; if ((0 == g_fInDrag) && (e.className == "Movable")) { g_fInDrag = 1; g_nDragOffsetX = event.x - document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelLeft; g_nDragOffsetY = event.y - document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelTop; } if ((1 == event.button) && (1 == g_fInDrag) && (true == event.ctrlKey)) { document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelLeft = event.x - g_nDragOffsetX; document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelTop = event.y - g_nDragOffsetY; TrackStep(event.x, event.y, e, event.ctrlKey); } else { g_fInDrag = 0; // Check if IE Logo was dropped on the world. if ((document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelLeft > document.all["ID_World"].style.pixelLeft) && (document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelLeft + document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelWidth < document.all["ID_World"].style.pixelLeft + document.all["ID_World"].style.pixelWidth) && (document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelTop > document.all["ID_World"].style.pixelTop) && (document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelTop + document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelHeight < document.all["ID_World"].style.pixelTop + document.all["ID_World"].style.pixelHeight) && g_nScore >= g_nScoreNeeded) { // Move the logo so we don't continue to navigate over and over again. document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelLeft = parseInt(document.all["ID_IE"].FinalX); document.all["ID_IE"].style.pixelTop = parseInt(document.all["ID_IE"].FinalY); document.all["ID_IE"].style.visibility="hidden"; // Make this cover everything else. document.all["ID_World"].style.zIndex = "1000"; g_nScore = 0; StopWobble(ID_World); window.setTimeout("StartWorldGrow()", 10); } } return 1; } document.onmousemove = UpdateMouse; function WobbleControl(obj) { if (0 != obj.wobbleTimer) { obj.style.posLeft = parseInt(obj.nOrigLeft) + Math.round(Math.random() * 2 * g_nWobbleAmount) - g_nWobbleAmount; obj.style.posTop = parseInt(obj.nOrigTop) + Math.round(Math.random() * 2 * g_nWobbleAmount) - g_nWobbleAmount; } } function StartWobble(obj) { obj.wobbleTimer = setInterval("WobbleControl(ID_World)", 100); } function StopWobble(obj) { if (0 != obj.wobbleTimer) { clearInterval(obj.wobbleTimer); obj.wobbleTimer = 0; document.all["ID_World"].posLeft = parseInt(document.all["ID_World"].nOrigLeft); document.all["ID_World"].posTop = parseInt(document.all["ID_World"].nOrigTop); } } function UnLock(obj) { g_nScore += 1; obj.disabled = true; StartWobble(obj); } </SCRIPT> </body> </html>